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DEI Engineers

I returned to work this year on January 15 after three weeks of vacation (with a little bit of work mixed in) with renewed inspiration. That time off was amazing! I did not drive a car for three weeks as I traveled throughout Berlin, Germany, and it was such a revelation to be able to easily get around without having the

stress and responsibility of a car. Not the typical American way of life! One highlight of the vacation was when we hopped on a train and were whisked away to Poland. That's where I met with an innovative window manufacturing group. Remarkably, the ease and comfort of the train found me "commuting" with a glass of wine in hand! And now it’s back to my American reality.

Twenty-nineteen was a challenge as the DEI team worked to redefine and refine our processes and how we work together as a team. We have made significant progress. We commend Erika, as she had one of the most significant accomplishments—she took and passed the PE exam in Nevada. We are inspired by the concerted effort she put in to make this happen. (She is a mom and one of the hardest working people we know!) DEI is thrilled to be a small part of Erika’s success. We also have an intern, Kristin Linde, who has been with us while completing her civil engineering degree at UNR before moving into her Master’s program. It has been a pleasure to work with her. Robert has continued to grow as an engineer and to deftly manage his workload. Both Robert and I have decided to take the SE Exam in 2020 and will be working towards that goal as the year continues.

I personally am excited and motivated with the opportunities—in my engineering career, my relationships in the business and the business itself. I have some specific and exciting goals for myself in 2020, as well as for DEI. So far so good, and I’m looking forward to the experiences ahead.

We invite you to come along with us as 2020 is going to be a tremendous year at DEI!

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