by Robert Corbin, PE

Now that everyone has settled into 2019, DEI Engineers wants to reach out to our northern Nevada clients and industry partners to remind everyone that the new building and construction codes are now in effect on a voluntary basis. As of July 1, compliance with the following newly adopted codes and standards is mandatory.
2018 International Building Code
2018 International Existing Building Code
2018 International Residential Code
2018 International Mechanical Code
2018 International Fuel Gas Code
2018 International Energy Conservation Code
2018 Uniform Mechanical Code
2018 Uniform Plumbing Code
2017 National Electric Code
2018 Northern Nevada Amendments
As we reviewed the 2018 Northern Nevada Amendments to the 2018 Building Codes, we noticed one significant change related to the minimum basic wind speeds for Carson City; City of Reno; City of Sparks; and the counties of Douglas, Lyon, Pershing, Storey, and Washoe. Refer to Table 1609.3.2 of the amendment documents for these updates. Here is a link to the amendments along with several other relevant links:
Now that it's July, it is time to familiarize yourself with the changes and begin updating your standards. You’ll especially want to consider the 2018 codes when starting a new project and determining the schedule.